Sunday 27 October 2013

shArInG iS cAriNg BuT nOt EveRytHingS - mY eXperiNCes

SME-UNIVERSITIES INTERNSHIP PROGRAMMED (if I’m not mistaken) was the first interview that I joined. Even though it was not the real interview, it really makes me feel nervous as I can’t breathe. When I got the message that I was passed first stage and I must attend an interview for the next stage, I feel regret for submitting the applications. I blamed to myself for submitted it. But then, I changed my mind and tried to think more positive about it. If I can’t do that right now, maybe there is no second chance. I must take the first step in order to be more brave and confident. So, with all the supports from my beloved friends, I attend that interview session. Although I was not chosen to the next stage, it gives a little strength for me to always try new things. ENACTUS was also the club that I feel regretted for joining it but hopefully, I can change my behavior and attitudes times by times because ENACTUS was a good club to make me improve myself. Oh Allah, please give me strength to talk with confident in front of others people. Ameennn.

pray for me so that i can join this program next year ^^

Last Saturday (26102013), I joined one program that was organized by Pembimbing Rakan Universiti (PRU) and club TaHa@u with the collaboration from Tabung Haji Berita Harian. PROGRAM BIMBINGAN KERJAYA. It was an interesting program. I got to now Zahariz Khuzaimah ‘The Malaysian Nomad’, Ust Mohd Izhar Ariff, Ally Iskandar and many more. One of the sessions was about job interview by representative from News straits Time Press, Mrs. Hani. She shared about us about how to face job interview sessions. It consists of what we should do before, at the moment, and after the job interview session. I’m glad because my time (weekend) was full with benefits activities that I can use in my lifetime… 

The Malaysian Nomad, Zahariz Khuzaimah. His story was really exciting. I couldn’t imagine how he can resign from his job just like that for being nomad. Yes, it really needs an absolute decision and strong desire.

the malaysian nomad
سبحان الله
سبحان الله
more about him >>> zahariz khuzaimah

Ustz Izhar Ariff, he was so funny. I got to learn how to be a Mukmin Professional. Hopefully, I can applied what I got from him.^_^ 

respect him so much!

For Ally Iskandar, even though others people said that he came with no preparation, I don’t think so and I’m still happy because I got to learn something from him. He said that “presentation without preparation” is like “brush your teeth without toothpaste”. The conclusion that I got from him about how to conduct presentation is be PREPARED and make it FUN!!!

he don't have sad memories, only sweet memories throughout his career. 

When I’m in the mid of writing this post, there is some distraction from Waznah. She told me that I wrote a very long post and so on. But do I care? Hahaha. I don’t know what to say about five generic competitive strategies. So I just write what I want. Later, I’ll write about it. PeAce nO WaR!!!

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