Tuesday 3 December 2013

if i one of the top managers...

 حبل من الله وحبل من الناس

26112013...hello everyone...today, i will share about what kind of value i want to inculcate if i one of the top managers. for your information, this week, we have no lecture nor tutorial class. so, this is the task that i need to do. (i'm sorry for being late)
If I one of the top managers, I want to inculcate Islamic values in my organizations as Islam is the way of life. besides, whoever improving relationship with Allah,then Allah will improve its relationships with humans. i want my employee to take care their relationship with Allah so that their relationships with other co-worker and customer will be good and smooth. 

so, the first things that they need to care in order to work in my organization is 5 times prayer. if they do not practice it, i will not take them to work at my organization. They are also need to cover their aurah properly. In the morning, all the staff must perform dhuha prayer together because it is a key to success in reaching blessing. As for the zuhr prayer time, they are encouraged to perform prayer together (berjemaah) as they will get energized. Based on John Herbert findings, he discovered that the touch between the jemaah’s shoulders in prayers balances the positive and negative electrical charges that are found in the human body to make the body more refreshed and energetic. 

Other than that, I want to make a good relationship with my staff. I want them to feel that they are working with me, not for me. If we are working together, I think that we can overcome all the hurdle or challenges that we face. I don’t want my employee to feel stress while working under me. If they have problem, they can just share it with me and I will try to help it as I can. I want them to feel that all the staffs in my organization are one happy family regardless what position are they. Thus it may strengthen our relationship.

One of the organizations that have a good corporate culture is Faculty of Economy and Muamalat. They practice Islamic value in their organization. For example, every Friday morning, all the staffs will gather at the surau FEM to perform dhuha prayer together and have sharing moment for reminder (tazkirah). Sometimes they also conduct tahlil and recite yassin for the deceased.

For the organization outside Malaysia, I found out about Southwest Airlines. Its relaxed culture can be traced back to unconventional CEO Herb Kelleher, who encourages informality and wants staff to have fun at their jobs. Employees are valued, with Kelleher acknowledging births, marriages and deaths by notes and cards. 

that's all from me. Peace no war!!! 

Tuesday 26 November 2013

we are ENACTUS!

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

We are enactus!!!
Last weekend, i had wonderful weekend together with enactus members for two days. In the first day, we were doing indoor activities. We had done team building. The team was divide into big three team and my group was called "anak2 rebung". So sweet right?hehehe. We also divided into several group to do a trademark and flash mob.the group name that was given to my group was microsoft. Other group name such as maybank, media prima, maybank and so on. Actually, the entire group’s name was the sponsors of enactus activities. In the second day, we went to the beach at Pasir Panjang (i couldn't remember exactly where the place is). Some activities that have done there were building a raft, explorace and many more. In explorace, i got to learn on how to make a ketupat palas. i really happy because i thought it was hard to make it. But in fact, it is just simple. Practice make perfect. Hopefully, i can gain more knowledge and improve my soft skill while joining enactus activities. There a lot of other interesting moments i want to share with all of you but i think that's all from me. jzkk. 
Peace no war!!!

we are ENACTUS!

microsoft's group members

this is where our program was held

corporate strategy

191113 Hello everyone!!! How are you? I hope you’re happy with the loved one. Have a nice day!

Thankyou,TerimaKasih,Syukran,XieXie,Grazias, Kamsahamnida,arigatō gozaimasu and etc.
 It has a deep meaning behind those words. It brings happiness to everyone. When we say thank you to other, it shows that we appreciate what they have did to us. So, please make used to say thank you everyday to Allah, our parents, our lecturer, our friends and others. BETULKAN YANG BIASA, BIASAKAN YANG BETUL. Miss ummi had reminded us to always pray for our parents and ourselves so that we will get a chance to perform umrah and hajj. Actually, one of my dream when I have my own money (not ptptn ya) is I want to bring my families, especially my beloved mother and father to perform hajj and umrah. I feel bad for them because they could not go there right now because they need to support their children (my siblings and I) who are still learning. I hope my dream will become true, someday, In shaa Allah.

Today, we had learned about more complicated strategy-making task than before, corporate strategy. For this topic, we move up one level in the strategy-making hierarchy, from strategy making in a single-business enterprise to strategy making in a diversified enterprise, from business-level strategy to corporate-level strategy. Miss Ummi has started the class by asking us what a business level strategy is. Actually, I could not remember what it is at the moment. But now, I can recall it. 

Business-level strategy versus Corporate-level strategy
As for business-level strategy that I have shared before this, it deals with the organization as a business and its relationship to consumers and other businesses. The organization works on creating value offering that appeals to consumers while also being cost-effective. Many decisions made at this level help a business position itself in the market and challenge competitors. Industry standards, pricing models and competitor advantages all play important roles within this level of strategy.
While for the corporate-level strategy, it deals with the organization as a whole. It examines what the business does and makes command decisions, including whether the business should diversify into different areas, leave product lines behind or develop specific partnerships with other companies. Many corporate-level decisions take into account the shareholders who own the company. Shareholder demands and expectations have much stronger influence on the corporate level than other levels. Often, strategy on revenue streams and funding is created at this level.

 I think, that’s all from me. Actually I want to share a lot of information with all of you, but I think I can’t because of some problem. Hopefully I can solve the problem as soon as possible. Pray for me. Peace no war!!!

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Halal Japanese Food - Oshima restaurant

121113…Today we had no lecture but there was an interesting sharing session by the founder of Oshima Restaurant (she is among the pioneer of Halal Japanese Food in Malaysia), Mdm Asnidar Hanim Yusuf. Did you ever heard about this restaurant? I bet you don’t (this is the first time I heard about this restaurant), but let me tell you why you should try to come to this restaurant. First of all, they provide halal food so that people can come without doubtful or hesitant (was-was). I can guarantee it. For your information, there are a lot of Japanese restaurants with Halal certification in Malaysia but majority the owner of the restaurant was not a Muslim yet. Second, it is at affordable price. You can eat in ease without worrying about the price.

As for me, she was so amazing. How she can ‘change’ from engineering field to business field (she is the owner of Oshima Restaurant and at the same time pursuing her PhD in engineering at USIM), how she can overcame all the challenges and obstacles (such as persuading her supplier to get halal certificate, bank loan and grant, and many more). If I’m not mistaken, she has mentioned that “it’s not always bad to fail; the most important thing is how you bounce back after the failure”. That was the real meaning of the success.

What I get from this sharing session is be positive all the time. Always put your trust on Allah, He is always with us. He will never put us in difficult situation if we could not handle it. He only gives test to us to show that He care and love us.
Surah Al-Baqarah (2:286)
Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity. It will have [the consequence of] what [good] it has gained, and it will bear [the consequence of] what [evil] it has earned. "Our Lord, do not impose blame upon us if we have forgotten or erred. Our Lord, and lay not upon us a burden like that which You laid upon those before us. Our Lord, and burden us not with that which we have no ability to bear. And pardon us; and forgive us; and have mercy upon us. You are our protector, so give us victory over the disbelieving people."

Knowledge is everything. Without it, you are no one. Knowledge is not something that we can get in the class only; we can get it at anyplace, anytime and from anyone even from ‘makcik cleaner’. Don’t ever try to stop seeking for the knowledge. So, before you want to start a business or other things, please make sure that you have knowledge about it.

Anyway, thank you to Miss Ummi for giving us such a great opportunity to meet someone who full of motivation and experience in real life. Hopefully I can be like her, contribute something to others! See you soon. May Allah bless us \(^_^)/ Peace no war!!!

Wednesday 13 November 2013


“Think positively, no matter how hard life is” - syazana mohd noor

competing in international market...

29102013…konnnichiwa…how are you today? I hope you are doing well. Alright, now I want to share with all of you what I have learned for this time lecture. Today, the topic was strategies for competing in International Market. Wow, we are now moving forward step by step. After studying all the strategies that will be used locally, now we will take a look what kind of strategies that will be used in order to enter into global market because I’m sure all of the entrepreneurs have their own hope to expand their business to foreign country after they succeed in managing their business locally.

For your information, any company that aspires to industry leadership in the 21st century must think in terms of global, not domestic, market leadership. Even though the process to entre foreign market is harder and more complex, many companies still decide to enter foreign market. Did you know why? Let me tell you. There are several primary reasons for them to enter into foreign markets which are to gain access to new customers, to achieve lower costs through economies of scale, experience, and increased purchasing, to further exploit its core competencies, to gain access to resources and capabilities located in foreign markets, and to spread business risk across a wider market base.

Why competing across national borders makes strategy-making more complex? It is because of different countries have different home-country advantages, different government policies and economic conditions, different cultures, different preference and taste, and so on. There are many factors that the companies need to understand first and considered before entering foreign market.

Other than that, we also learned about the major strategic options for entering foreign markets. Once a company decides to expand beyond its domestic borders, it must consider the question of how to enter foreign markets. There are five strategic options for entering foreign markets which are maintaining a national (one-country) production base and exporting goods to foreign markets, licensing foreign firms to produce and distribute the company’s products abroad, employing a franchising strategy, establishing a foreign subsidiary via acquisition or Greenfield venture, and using  strategic alliances or other collaborative partnerships.

In order for company to compete internationally, they must choose among the three alternative approaches. The first one is multidomestic or think-local, act-local approach. It is a one in which a company varies its product offering and competitive approach from country to country in an effort to be responsive to differing buyer preferences and market conditions. The second one was a global strategy which is a think-global, act-global approach. It is one in which a company employs the same basic competitive approach in all countries where its operates, sell much the same products everywhere, strive to build global brands, and coordinates its actions worldwide with strong headquarters control. The last one is transnational strategy which is a combination think-global, act-local approach. It is an approach that incorporates elements of both multidomestic and global strategies.

How to gain competitive advantage in international market? There are three important ways to gain it. First, it can use location to lower costs or achieve greater product differentiation. Second, it can transfer competitively valuable resources and capabilities from one country to another or share them across international borders to extend its competitive advantages. Third, it can benefit from cross-border coordination opportunities that are not open to domestic-only competitors.

I think, that’s all from me for this time. Please take care of yourself. See you next time. PEACE NO WAR!!!

“Globalization has changed us into a company that searches the world, not just to sell or to source, but to find intellectual capital - the world’s best talents and greatest ideas.” (Jack Welch – Former chairman and CEO of GE

Tuesday 5 November 2013

strengthen the company's competitive position

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
22102013... Assalammualaikum w.b.t, hello everyone, long time no see. Today’s post is all about “Strengthening A Company’s Competitive Position: Strategic Moves, Timing, and Scope of Operations”. In the previous post, I have already talked about the five generic competitive strategy options. After the company has settled which of the five generic competitive strategies they should employ, they must take another action in order to complement its competitive approach and maximize the power of its overall strategy.  But which action the company should take? What should they do?

In order to strengthen the company’s competitive position, they must consider the competitive moves and their timing. That is whether and when to pursue OFFENSIVE OR DEFENSIVE STRATEGIC MOVES to improve a firm’s market position. Your competitor’s strengths and weaknesses should be considered in choosing the best strategy.
  • Whether to undertake offensive competitive moves to improve the company’s market position. The best offensives use a company’s most powerful resources and capabilities to attack rivals in the areas where they area weakest.
  • Whether to undertake defensive strategy to protect the company’s market position. The purpose of defensive strategies are lower the firm’s risk of being attacked, weaken the impact of an attack that does occur, and influence challengers to aim their efforts at other rivals.
  • When to undertake it - whether advantage or disadvantage lies in being a first mover, a fast mover, or a late mover. (Sometimes being a follower is better because they can analyze the weaknesses of the first mover)
offensive and defensive...

A special kind of offensive: BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY. Have you hear about it? It is a totally invent in new market industry that other company have never or rarely do it. To avoid costly competition, firms can innovate or expand in the hope of finding a blue ocean. A blue ocean exists where no firms currently operate, leaving the company to expand without competition. Got it? An example of the company that uses this strategy was FedEx, they create delivery in just one night.

The company also can strengthen their market position via its scope of operations. The scope of the firm refers to the range of activities which the firm performs internally, the breadth of its product and service offerings, the extent of its geographic market presence, and its mix of business.  
  • HORIZONTAL SCOPE is the range of product and service segments that a firm serves within its focal market. HORIZONTAL MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS, which involve combining the operations of firms within the same product or service market, provide an effective means for firms to rapidly increase the scale and horizontal scope of their core business.
  • VERTICAL SCOPE is the extent to which a firm’s internal activities encompass one, some, many, or all of the activities that make up an industry’s entire value chain system, ranging from raw-material production to final sales and service activities. VERTICAL INTEGRATION STRATEGY can expand the firm’s range of activities BACKWARD into sources of supply and/or FORWARD toward end users. It’s make strategic sense only if strengthens a company’s position via either cost reduction or creation of a differentiation-based advantage.  

Miss Ummi have told us that Malaysia was the third country that people go for outsource after China and India. Did you know what “Outsource” is? OUTSOURCING STRATEGIES narrow the scope of a business’s operation was the opposite of vertical integration strategies. Outsourcing involves contracting out certain value chain activities to outside vendors.  

A STRATEGIC ALLIANCE is a formal agreement between two or more separate companies in which they agree to work cooperatively toward some common objective. Strategic alliance and cooperative partnership provide one way to gain some of the benefits offered by vertical integration, outsourcing, and horizontal mergers and acquisitions while minimizing the associated problems.

As a conclusion, I think the company should understand about all of the strategy in order to strengthen their competitive position. They should know each pros and cons of every strategy in order to make the best decision in choosing which strategy they want to implement. that's all from me. peace no war!!!

Ya ALLAH, ketika aku melakukan kesalahan kepada mereka, anugerahkanlah aku kekuatan untuk meminta kemaafan,
manakala diwaktu mereka melakukan kesalahan kepadaku, anugerahkanlah aku kekuatan memberi kemaafan...

Sunday 27 October 2013

WhIcH oNe tO emPLoy? - 5 geNerIC cOmpetitive StraTegies

08102013. Job interview session, it really makes me feel nervous when thinking about it. I could not imagine how I would react, do, think and so on if I’m in that session. Miss Ummi has shared with all of us about one of job interview session. Among the 300++ applications, only 7 out of them was accepted. It’s so scary. The main reason why other than 7 people was not accepted because of English language. If I’m in that job interview session, which one I will be placed? I don’t know what to say but deep inside my heart, I really want to be placed among the accepted one even though I can’t with my English communication skills right now. Hopefully, I’ll be placed among the accepted one, someday! Ameennn, In syaa Allah. 

For this week, we have learned about “the five generic competitive strategies: which one to employ?” so, did you know about it? I’m sure some of you know about it. Knowing about all this five strategies for the company is important as it give effect for company in making decision to choose the most suitable strategy for their company. In other words, deciding which generic strategy to employ is the most important strategic commitment a company makes because it tends to drive the rest of the strategic actions a company decides to undertake and it sets the whole tone for the pursuit of a competitive advantage over rivals. The five generic competitive strategies are:

1.       Low-cost provider strategy:
-Striving to achieve lower overall costs than rivals and appealing to a broad spectrum of customers, usually by underpricing rivals.
-approaches: pursue cost-savings that are difficult to imitate and avoid reducing product quality to unacceptable levels.
-eg: mydin, mcdonald’s, dell, air asia
2.     Broad differentiation strategy:
-seeking to differentiate the company’s product offering from rivals in ways that will appeal to a broad spectrum of buyers.
-approaches: (a) carefully study buyer needs and behaviors, values and willingness to pay for a unique product or service, (b) incorporate features that both appeal to buyers and create a sustainably distinctive product offering, (c) use higher prices to recoup differentiation costs.
-eg: apple, sony, rolex, fedex, louis vuitton, Harley-davidson
3.    Best-cost provider strategy:
-giving customers more value for their money by incorporating good-to-excellent product attributes at a lower cost than rivals; the target is to have the lowest (best) cost and prices compared to rivals offering products with comparable attributes.
Eg: Toyota, microsoft
4.     Focused low-cost strategy:
-concentrating on a narrow buyer segment and outcompeting rivals by having lower costs than rivals and thus being able to serve niche members at a lower price.
5.     Focused differentiation strategy:
-concentrating on a narrow buyer segment and outcompeting rivals by offering niche members customized attributes that meet their tastes and requirements better than rivals’ products.
-eg: GAP, Porsche, Ferrari

In choosing the right generic strategy, a company has to spend time and effort as this will support all other strategic options. Michael Porter has specifically warned against any companies who try to employ more than one strategy option as every strategy appeals to different types of people and requires radically different approaches. Any company that are try to employ multiple strategies, will typically render a company without any clear strategic advantage and in poor strategic position. That’s all from me. PEAce No War!!!
“Competitive strategy is about being different. It means deliberately choosing to perform activities differently or to perform different activities than rivals to deliver a unique mix of value.”        (Michael E. Porter)

shArInG iS cAriNg BuT nOt EveRytHingS - mY eXperiNCes

SME-UNIVERSITIES INTERNSHIP PROGRAMMED (if I’m not mistaken) was the first interview that I joined. Even though it was not the real interview, it really makes me feel nervous as I can’t breathe. When I got the message that I was passed first stage and I must attend an interview for the next stage, I feel regret for submitting the applications. I blamed to myself for submitted it. But then, I changed my mind and tried to think more positive about it. If I can’t do that right now, maybe there is no second chance. I must take the first step in order to be more brave and confident. So, with all the supports from my beloved friends, I attend that interview session. Although I was not chosen to the next stage, it gives a little strength for me to always try new things. ENACTUS was also the club that I feel regretted for joining it but hopefully, I can change my behavior and attitudes times by times because ENACTUS was a good club to make me improve myself. Oh Allah, please give me strength to talk with confident in front of others people. Ameennn.

pray for me so that i can join this program next year ^^

Last Saturday (26102013), I joined one program that was organized by Pembimbing Rakan Universiti (PRU) and club TaHa@u with the collaboration from Tabung Haji Berita Harian. PROGRAM BIMBINGAN KERJAYA. It was an interesting program. I got to now Zahariz Khuzaimah ‘The Malaysian Nomad’, Ust Mohd Izhar Ariff, Ally Iskandar and many more. One of the sessions was about job interview by representative from News straits Time Press, Mrs. Hani. She shared about us about how to face job interview sessions. It consists of what we should do before, at the moment, and after the job interview session. I’m glad because my time (weekend) was full with benefits activities that I can use in my lifetime… 

The Malaysian Nomad, Zahariz Khuzaimah. His story was really exciting. I couldn’t imagine how he can resign from his job just like that for being nomad. Yes, it really needs an absolute decision and strong desire.

the malaysian nomad
سبحان الله
سبحان الله
more about him >>> zahariz khuzaimah

Ustz Izhar Ariff, he was so funny. I got to learn how to be a Mukmin Professional. Hopefully, I can applied what I got from him.^_^ 

respect him so much!

For Ally Iskandar, even though others people said that he came with no preparation, I don’t think so and I’m still happy because I got to learn something from him. He said that “presentation without preparation” is like “brush your teeth without toothpaste”. The conclusion that I got from him about how to conduct presentation is be PREPARED and make it FUN!!!

he don't have sad memories, only sweet memories throughout his career. 

When I’m in the mid of writing this post, there is some distraction from Waznah. She told me that I wrote a very long post and so on. But do I care? Hahaha. I don’t know what to say about five generic competitive strategies. So I just write what I want. Later, I’ll write about it. PeAce nO WaR!!!

Saturday 26 October 2013

bULatAn GeMbiRa

assalammualaikum...how are you today?may Allah bless us always. I want to share with all of you about my bulatan gembira. Every Friday, I will spend around two hours with my beloved ‘FEM’ily of 8 people by hearing and sharing our thought, our knowledge and our experiences. our meetings started with reciting al-fatihah and al-Quran al-Kareem with tafseer. It’s such a good time to spend with especially in Friday, a day full of barakah. All I can say about my bulatan gembira is a place that can make me forgot my stress and burden while sharing my problems and feelings. \(^.^)/
so, for this week task, my naqibah have asked us to jot down what is the characteristics of individual muslims that have been outlined by Imam Hassan al-Banna. as for me, actually i have been hear about it before but i couldn't remember about it. out of 10 characteristics, i only get 3 characteristics only. i'll try to remember about it starting from now, wish me luck ya!

other than that, we also discuss about planning. if you didn't planned your task properly, it will make your time wasted with useless things. the effect from it, it will waste our time, it will decrease the quality of our work, and probably our work will never be done. i agreed with it because i have experience on it...oh Allah, please forgive me. TT
 ok, that's all from me.see you soon at another entry. jzkk. Peace no war!!!

Wednesday 9 October 2013


01102013…today’s date was a very special day for my classmate, Hadi. It was his birthday, the day he was born in this challenging world. May Allah bless him always and be a good Muslim~

hepy besday HADI!!!

As for today, we had learn about “Evaluating a company’s resources, capabilities, and competitiveness”. Miss ummi started the lecture by asking some question…I couldn’t remember about it but if I’m not mistaken, she asked about what makes McDonalds differ from others…do you know what it is?...let me tell you…it is because of their standard quality of burgers.

Actually, I want to share something interesting that I found in strategic management’s text book while in the middle of searching an idea to write for this post.
Only firms who are able to continually build new strategic assets faster and cheaper than their competitors will earn superior returns over the long term.” (C. C. Markides and P. J. Williamson - London Business School Professors and Consultants)

Now, let’s move on to our topic. This chapter was related to SWOT analysis. As a whole, we have learned how to evaluate how well a company’s strategy is working. In other words, this topic discuss about the techniques for evaluating a company’s internal situation, including its collection of resources and capabilities and the activities it performs along its value chain.

In this chapter, there are five analytical tools - resource and capability analysis, SWOT analysis, value chain analysis, benchmarking, and competitive strength assessment will be used. All these five analyses are valuable techniques for revealing a company’s competitiveness and for helping company managers match their strategy to the company’s own particular circumstances. 

Resource and capability analysis – a powerful tool for sizing up a company’s competitive assets and determining if they can support a sustainable competitive advantage over market rivals.

SWOT analysis – a simple but powerful tool for sizing up a company’s strengths and weaknesses, its market opportunities, and the external threats to its future well-being.

Value chain analysis – a company’s value chain identifies the primary activities and related support activities that create customer value.

– an effective tool for improving a company’s own internal activities that is based on learning how other companies perform them and borrowing their “best practices”. 

Competitive strength assessment – scores pinpoint its strengths and weaknesses against rivals and point directly to the kinds of offensive/defensive actions it can use to exploit its competitive strengths and reduce its competitive vulnerabilities.

Apart from that, we also have learned about VRIN test. It can determine if a resource is a source of sustainable competitive advantage. To serve as a basis for sustainable competitive advantage, resources must be –
      Valuable – meaning that they must be a source of greater value, in terms of relative costs and benefits, than similar resources in competing firms.
·         Rare – rareness implies that the resource must be rare in the sense that it is scarce relative to demand for its use or what it produces.
·                   Inimitable – it is difficult to imitate.
·         Non-substitutable – other different types of resources cannot be functional substitutes.

The criteria of the VRIN clearly rules out best practices as a source of competitive advantage. If other firms can easily understand and copy a capability, it is not a source of advantage.

That’s all from me. I’m sorry for my inconvenient. See u later in the next post…jzkk. PEACE NO WAR!!!

Monday 7 October 2013

Idea...idea...idea...please comes to me.

First of all, I’m suppose to make a writing journal each week, but due to lack of idea and my mind comes to the end of the road, I didn’t accomplished the task within the time given. I’m sorry for my bad…

24092013… Today, we learned about evaluating a company’s external environment. “What is macro-environment???” that was the first question asked by Miss ummi when she started the lecturer. Then, she explains that it includes all the environmental factors that have an impact on all organizations and firms within the economy whether directly or indirectly. The strategically relevant factors in the macro-environment are PESTEL. It may sound like a species of flower, but it is not. PESTEL are stands for Politics, Environmental, Social, Technological, Economic, and Legal & regulatory. It is a framework or tool used by marketers to analyze and monitor the macro-environmental (external marketing environment) factors that have an impact on an organization. These factors can be classified as opportunities and threats in a SWOT analysis if combined with external micro-environmental factors and internal drivers.
·         Political: to what degree the government intervenes in the economy.
·         Economic: include economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates and the inflation rate.
·         Social: include the cultural aspects and include health consciousness, population growth rate, age distribution, career attitudes and emphasis on safety.
·         Technological: include technological aspects such as R&D activity, automation, technology incentives and the rate of technological change.
·         Environmental: include ecological and environmental aspects which may especially affect industries.
·         Legal: include discrimination law, consumer law, health and safety law, and etc

Other than that, we also learnt about the Five Competitive Forces by Michael E. Porter, Harvard Business School professor. This tool was created to analyze the attractiveness and likely-profitability of an industry. This tool assumes that there are five important forces that determine competitive power in a business situation. The five competitive forces are substitute products, buyers, new entrants, rival firms and suppliers.

I have no idea what else to write here…I think, I should stop now…that’s all from me…PEACE NO WAR!!!