Saturday 21 September 2013

first meeting time

10092013...MGB4013 - strategic management. that was one of the subject i'm taking this semester.somehow it looks like complicated and tough subject for me. but we should not judge a subject by its name. you can't imagine what a wonderful class we have in our first meeting with Miss ummi, the one who make me blogging. I’m so happy because we did very interesting activities in the lecture hall. We were told to make the tallest building using newspaper and it was my group who succeed in making the tallest building even though it was not so tall building. actually, I'm feeling a little worried about all the assignment which need us to use the technologies and so on but I’m looking forward to this subject because it seems interesting. That’s all from me. Thank you. Peace no war!!!

Thursday 19 September 2013

my beloved cousin, Azka Azizi...his parents give his name AA that looks like Aaron Aziz...